Friday, March 8, 2019

An Introduction

Here's a little bit about me... I am a junior in college studying bio-medical sciences, with an interest in forensic science. So far, college life is challenging, but rewarding. I am pursuing higher level education because I aspire to be a Scientist. I am interested in research, involving forensic science and biology. One in particular is the study of how the analysis of stable isotopes can determine the location of a where a person lives. Anyway, The first challenge for me in my college career was developing an analytical mind. Every scientist needs to be an expert in analytical thinking. The best thing about experience is that it never goes away. Things I thought were near-impossible to achieve are now easier to accomplish. It keeps getting easier, by investing time and energy in gaining experience. For the future, I hope to have a stable position in a master's program or PhD program. Currently looking at research opportunities at my university...hope I can fit one into my Degree program for my résumé.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

My new blog

I had a sudden impulse to start blogging.


Welcome to my new blog! I will attempt to describe my life and confine it into words.

I hope it will help people understand similar instances in their own lives.